$149.00 USD

If you have more than 15 events for any specific month, use this to add up to 15 more events.  This purchase can be applied to ANY month or Done For You calendar.

Note:  If this is your 2nd+ ADD ON purchase, please use the ADD ON checkout page to receive a discount for multiple ADD ONs at www.kristayoung.me/offers.

DFY Documentation Calendar

This is for the purchase of one Done For You Documentation Calendar - good for any given month you choose.

We will produce a Draft version of your calendar for your review within 7 business days from the time you complete the intake form.

Your purchase includes the following:

  • Color coded dates to match your parenting schedule.
    • Includes a count of the parenting days per parent in the key (number & percentage).
  • Up to 5 categories of best interest factors to highlight and display on the calendar.
    • You get to specify the categories on the intake form.  We provide examples for you to review/use.
    • Includes a count of occurrences per category in the key.
  • A chronological & color coded list of each event with description to accompany the graphic calendar.
    • Up to 15 events are included in the price of the calendar.  If you have more than 15 events to display for the given month, you can add them by selecting the ADD ON for another 15 events.
    • See bottom of purchase pane to purchase the ADD ON now.  This can also be added later. 


You can apply the following promo codes at checkout to receive a discount for purchase of multiple Done For You calendars (If this is your 2nd or more ADD ON purchase, see the ADD ON purchase page to obtain discounts).  If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].

  • Calendars 2 through 5 receive a 10% discount.  Use promo code DFY10 at checkout.
  • Calendars 6 through 10 receive a 15% discount.  Use promo code DFY15 at checkout.
  • Calendars 11+ receive a 20% discount.  Use promo code DFY20 at checkout.