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Divorce Recovery

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Book List PDF

Krista's Favorites for Women's Divorce Empowerment


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This is a list of books I read while struggling through various stages of my divorce.  There's 10 in all, and they range from knowing if you should stay or go in your relationship, a step-by-step divorce guide, narcissistic divorce, covert passive aggressive narcissism, gaslighting, abuse recovery, acceptance, and spirituality.

Think of this as the beginning of your own inspirational personal growth journey!

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Divorce Recovery

The 1st Stepping Stone PDF

to Find Your Happy Place in Life


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This pdf introduces The 1st Stepping Stone Module of our flagship program, the Find Your Happy Place in Life Journey. In this jam-packed download, you'll walk through exercises that guide you to holistically understand the reasons behind the dissatisfaction and lack of joy that brought you here. 

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